Front-end frameworks and which one you need to learn?

Ahmed khlifi
3 min readMay 14, 2021


In the past times, there’s no such thing as called frontend framework, websites were built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then frontend frameworks started to appear, but why did they have been invented anyway?

Well, when developing a website, every developer will use the way and the structure that he sees the most suitable, other developers may not see it the same way. Also if we are going to talk about maintenance and updating, the developer must spend a lot of time and I mean a lot to just understand the structure implemented by the other person who built the frontend. So I think you guessed why frontend frameworks have been created. And yes! Every framework has a similar structure and respects the same coding rules and which makes maintaining and updating the website easy and efficient. Every front-end framework is based on components that make the project more structured. Components are files containing pieces of your website, your navbar can be a component, footer, cards, etc... So for example one person can work on the navbar directly without having to engage in another code and another person can work on the shopping card Component.

In a nutshell, frameworks are a way to structure code ( which makes the web application more efficient and faster) So what is the best framework Angular, React, or Vue (there is more but those are the most used)? And the answer is all of them, the three of them get the job done. But I understand the confusion the new developers have, some say learn Angular because it’s stronger and has built-in functionalities, others say React because is lighter and some say Vue since it’s easier to learn. So what should you start with? Let’s have a very brief look at both React and Angular. We all agree that angular is a strong framework by Google, you can build with it a large-scale application for its built-in tools and functionalities. On the other hand, we have React, a light framework provided by Facebook, you can build quick projects with it but it doesn’t mean you can’t build large web applications with React and we have Facebook and Instagram as examples.

So basically Angular and React are powerful and each one have its own features and pros and cons but both of them serve the same purpose and share similar functionalities. Don’t forget that those frameworks are based on JavaScript, and I suggest if your level in JavaScript is advanced start with angular, otherwise start with React.

But a piece of advice from me is to start with React whatever your level in JavaScript is, and the reason is that React is a light framework, and its structure is much easier to understand for a new developer. But never settle for one framework you must try Angular and Vue after having good knowledge in React, and the reason is you may be more productive in one framework than the other so you must give them a chance, but don’t focus on tutorials and stuck there, go ahead and build 3 to 4 projects that will challenge you and that way you will truly learn.

In conclusion, frameworks make life easier for us the developers but at some point, new ones will appear in the future, and maybe Facebook will change from React to another framework, or maybe Google will stop supporting Angular, what I’m saying is if you are good at JavaScript you will never have a problem to switch to any framework, keep your knowledge in programming sharp and tools will come and go.

Tutorials :

React tutorial.

Angular tutorial.

Vue tutorial.



Ahmed khlifi

Hi, My name is Ahmed and i am a programmer and guess what ? a designer too!